

你可以 在线申请.

申请费为50美元,不可退还. 然而, 如果您在过去12个月内支付了申请费, 或者你是ODU校友, 不需要费用.

除非部门另有说明, 申请材料及证件请直接寄至:

1000阿尔弗雷德B. 罗林斯小. 大厅







Transcripts from the institution you received your bachelor's degree from and beyond cannot be waived. 然而, it is at the discretion of your 研究生 Program Director (GPD) to waive any other application requirements. 的 GPD will send written verification or an email to the 研究生招生办公室 approving the removal of certain requirements.

不,ODU可以用非官方的成绩单来评估你的申请. 然而, 如果你被录取并决定注册, 在注册课程之前,你必须提供正式的成绩单.

ODU应用程序的设计目的是让学生可以上传非官方成绩单. 如果您无法访问非官方成绩单或发送正式成绩单, 你仍可选择以下其中一种方式递交申请:

  • 我会上传这所学校的非正式成绩单
  • 我将在提交此申请后为该机构提供正式成绩单*this option states that you are not providing unofficial transcripts but will send official transcripts

请注意: 申请可以用非官方成绩单进行评估, 但是在你被录取并决定入学的时候,大学需要你的官方成绩单.

In the enrollment history section choose the option: I will be providing official transcripts for this institution after submission of this application. Our 办公室 will be able to view your previous record and notate your 应用门户 during our process.

然而,ODU应用程序的设计是让学生可以上传非官方成绩单. 请记住,提供非官方成绩单可能有助于加快评估过程. 如果您无法访问非官方成绩单,请参阅上面的说明.

请注意: 你不需要要求正式的ODU成绩单. 如果你在完成ODU的学位后在其他机构参加了课程, 你需要提供所有额外的成绩单.

No, you only need to fill out the mandatory sections (marked with an asterisk *) that pertain to your program of interest. 例如,并不是所有的项目都要求简历. 你必须熟悉你的 程序的需求 申请前.

在申请表上,你要为每个推荐人添加一个电子邮件. When you do this your reference will be able to complete the recommendation electronically and you will have the option to re-notify if necessary after your submission.

信 of recommendation can also be sent from your reference directly to the 研究生招生办公室' email (gradadmit@markandlynsey.com)或邮寄. 推荐信可以单独写一封推荐信,也可以使用推荐信 建议形式 作为指导方针,并附上一封信.

我们的许多研究生课程都要求标准化考试作为录取过程的一部分. 要查看有关考试豁免选项的信息,请联系您的课程或其招生网页.

最常见的入学考试包括研究生入学考试(GRE)。, 米勒类比测验(MAT), 管理学研究生入学考试(GMAT), 和实践. 有关这些测试的更多信息,请访问 教育考试服务 (ETS)或致电(757)683 -3697与我们的考试中心联系.

的 College Examination Entrance Board (CEEB) code for all standardized test reporting to ODU is 005126.

除非一个项目指定将分数发送到他们的部门, 所有考试成绩应发送到研究生招生办公室(CEEB代码005126).




所需的测试需要在申请截止日期之前完成. 您仍然可以在提交考试成绩之前申请并提交申请. 但是,在您的考试成绩到达之前,您的申请将被视为不完整. 当你的成绩被送到研究生招生办公室时, 它们将被添加到您的申请中.

一旦你申请了一个项目,部门就会收到电子通知. 研究生招生办公室将整理你的证明材料, 然后以电子方式提供给你的研究生项目主任.

是的. 您必须创建第二个应用程序. Communication with the program directors in both departments is crucial and students are encouraged to start this conversation as early as possible.

You may defer your application up to one year from your initial application entry term by completing the graduate 延期形式. Or, the 研究生 Program Director may wish to continue the review process past the application deadline date.

You also have the option to take up to 12 graduate credits as a Non-Degree seeking student and then roll those courses into a degree seeking program during the next entry term. You will need to fill out the graduate application again and select "Non-Degree" as both your student type and program of interest. 请注意,非学位学生没有资格获得经济援助. 有关非学位招生的更多信息,请点击 在这里.

你最多可以转12个研究生学分, 除非事先得到研究生项目主任(GPD)的批准. 研究生项目主任评估并决定哪些研究生课程将转移到ODU. 我们鼓励您在学习任何课程之前咨询GPD.

如果你的母语不是英语, 你必须提供英语水平证明才能注册课程. To see all the ways you can demonstrate that you meet the University's English requirements please click 在这里.

一旦应用程序已加载到我们的数据库系统, 您将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何通过您的 应用门户.. 您也可以致电研究生招生办公室(757)683-3685,选项3,或发送电子邮件至 gradadmit@markandlynsey.com.

一旦你的申请被提交,你不能做任何更改. 然而, you are more than welcome to email any supporting documents or updated documents to the 研究生招生办公室 at gradadmit@markandlynsey.com 我们可以将它们添加到您的应用程序中.

提交申请后,所有学生都可以选择完成第二次申请. This option is available because some students may be interested in applying to more than one program or to re-apply to a program in the future using the same log-in credentials.

我们所有的研究生课程(包括非学位学生)使用相同的应用程序, 但每个项目都有能力选择学生要填写的部分. If you see blank sections when you review the application PDF then your program did not request that section's information or requirement.

从你的申请被认为完成之日起,请至少预留4周的时间. Many departments will not begin the application review process until the official deadline; t在这里fore, 有些决定将超过4周. If you have any questions, please contact your 研究生 Program Director or the Office of 招生.

待决申请: 向研究生招生电子邮件提交书面申请 gradadmit@markandlynsey.com. 一定要包括你新项目的有效入学期限. You may be required to submit a new application and supporting credentials to fulfill different departmental requirements for the new program.

If your application has already received a decision a new application and process will need to be completed for consideration into the new program.



现役军人, spouses and dependent children may be entitled to in-state tuition rates upon submission of an application for in-state tuition with documentation indicating military orders to a permanent duty station in Virginia and proof of current Virginia residency. 了解更多关于州内学费的资格 在这里.

申请G签证的表格和说明.I. 可以找到好处 在这里. 的 军事 Educational Benefits Team can be reached in the 军事联络中心 at 757-683-7153 or vaservices@markandlynsey.com. 从入学到就业服务的另一个资源是军队附属学生 军事联络中心r.


工程管理硕士 by Portable Media (MEM) for graduates of the Navy Nuclear Power School Officer program (including prototype) or the Bettis Reactor Engineering School. 可以找到MEM顾问 在这里


It is the university's policy that non-degree seeking students can take up to 12 graduate level credits. 以非学位学生的身份申请, 请填写研究生申请表,并注明“无学位” 学术兴趣 根据你的学生类型和兴趣项目. 不需要额外的证书,如考试成绩、论文或推荐信. 如果申请证书,请在适用的情况下审查您的要求 在这里 或者联系你的证书课程主任. 请注意,没有学位的学生没有资格获得经济援助. 有关非学位录取的更多信息,请点击 在这里.

Students completing a certificate or Post-Baccalaureate program or who apply as "Life-Learners" can take more than 12 credits.

一旦提交了非学位申请, 申请将会被处理,并在一周内发出决定邮件. 的 email will include your student identification number and instructions for registering for classes.

证书请注意: For those applying for a non-degree certificate we will need approval from your certificate program's director after your submission before the application decision can be processed.

非学位和证书申请不能重新激活, 相反,新的非学位申请必须在一个学期不上课后提交. Please complete the graduate application and select non-degree 根据你的学生类型和兴趣项目.


从你的申请被认为完成之日起,请至少预留4周的时间. Many departments will not begin the application review process until the official deadline; t在这里fore, 有些决定将超过4周. If you have any questions, please contact your 研究生 Program Director or the Office of 招生.


除非你的课程规定了录取截止日期, 没有接受或拒绝ODU录取的截止日期. Confirming your admissions early may help you secure financial opportunities or register for a popular course.


有关最新学费费率的列表,请单击 在这里.


重新激活 is for previous degree seeking student who voluntarily left the University in good academic standing, 并且已经分开超过一个学年. 如果您符合这些条件,请填写 毕业生再激活表格 并寄给研究生招生办公室(gradadmit@markandlynsey.com).


学生可完成 延期形式 to defer an incomplete application or an offer of admissions for up to one academic year following the initial term of entry.
